🀝 Collaboration


Although there are already quite a few basic things in place, there is still a lot of room for improvements: some metadata is missing (opening hours, characteristics, osv), as well as pictures, and of course a lot of bodega locations across the country. It takes quite some time, but it will be done step by step! We just started somewhere, with the city we live in 😊

Bodega Map is a community project, so we love contributions of all kind. ❀️

How to contribute

You can of course use the contact form for quick-and-easy suggestions, but we have also put in place a couple of tools to ease the work on our end. Some functionalities are available directly on the site for registered user. The rest is based on the software development platform Github.

Found an issue with the website? πŸ›

Check that it is not already listed in the issues list. If not, create a new one!

Want to suggest updated metadata πŸ—ƒοΈ or submit a picture πŸ“· for some bodega?

Register as a user and you will be able to add / edit bodegas, and add pictures. Read more in the list of functionalities on this wiki page.

Have an idea? πŸ’‘

Ideas are listed in the issues area, with a specific feature-request tag. If your area is already listed, do not hesitate to react on it to "upvote" it. If not, you can either suggest your idea directly in that area as a new issue, or open a discussion in the Ideas category if you want to discuss it first with others.

Want to translate in another language or a local dialect?

Currently, the website has Danish πŸ‡©πŸ‡°, English πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ/πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ and Spanish πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ translations, but it is structured so that adding new languages is really easy. You are also very welcome to suggest corrections to the existing languages. After all, Danish is not our mother tongue.

There are two ways you can contribute:

1. Indirect contribution by suggesting via a message, or if in doubt

Write a message with your suggestions (corrections, clarification on how to help, wish for a specific translation, etc.) in the Discussions area.

2. Direct contribution via a git pull request

If you'd like to make direct contributions to this repository and you are comfortable using git (we can also help you if you message us), please follow the procedure on this page

Thank you !